Day 6: Marianne Williamson ~ We share a common humanity
We all want happiness.
We are never alone in our desire to live more fully. All of humanity wants to live with ease and be happy. When we feel that our happiness is more important than others we can easily fall into spiteful or aggressive behaviors. But this can shut down our hearts and the flow of all good things.
Taking a different approach, that is, shifting to a helpful, loving and charitable mindset, allows the flow of love and positivity to be renewed. As we recognize that our happiness does not exist solely for us alone and is linked to the actions of others, we take on a larger perspective.
The world can become a friendlier, less hostile place when we embrace our common bond and wish for happiness. When we genuinely create the feeling and desire that others enjoy a life of ease and grace we see the whole world as our partner. We become happier and more satisfied with life. Compassion is a magic key to opening a door of genuine fulfillment.
“Compassion links us to others. We share a common humanity – with a common wish to be happy, free from suffering and to live with grace.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Begin today’s meditation by taking five deep, slow breaths. Breathe in through your nose slowly to the count of 6, hold your breath for 2 counts, and exhale slowly to the count of 6. Do this for a total of 5 breaths.
With your hands resting on your lap, or on your heart if you wish, recite the loving kindness phrases and really try to generate the feelings of kindness, friendliness and compassion. Starting with yourself, say:
May I be free from suffering. May I be peaceful and truly happy. May I be well in body, mind and heart. May I live with ease.
As you feel the warmth coming from your heart, a sincere desire that you not suffer, see if you can extend that feeling to someone you care about. Imagine a dear friend or loved one and repeat the phrases:
May you be free from suffering. May you be peaceful and truly happy. May you be well in body, mind and heart. May you live with ease.
Finally, as you bask in these wonderful feelings of kindness and compassion, extend the wish to all beings on the planet.
Spend a few minutes allowing this wave of loving kindness to swirl around you and radiate out from you. I will sound a bell when the meditation period is over.
Take this feeling of connectedness with you throughout your day. Always remembering that you, too, are worthy of a life free from suffering, full of peace and true happiness.
Please share this 21-day challenge with your friends and loved ones using the hashtags #Compassion #Meditation
May you be free from suffering. May you be peaceful and truly happy. May you be well in body, mind and heart. May you live with ease.
With love,